Oklahoma flagstone is a popular and practical choice for making hardscape paths, patios, and sitting areas that are both functional and beautiful. A type of sedimentary rock formed by layers of sand, flagstone has been used for paving since the early 1900s. It is a great option for creating an earthy or contemporary look and is often creatively combined with other landscaping elements such as boulders, planters, and water features. A flagstone sitting area can transform a problematic shaded area of the landscape into a place to sit and enjoy the shade. Not only is flagstone visually appealing, it provides practical advantages that make it an excellent choice for commercial landscaping in Texas.

Practical Advantages of Flagstone
There are several advantages to using flagstone in commercial landscape design, especially in north Texas. The expansive soil in this area of Texas often wreaks havoc on traditional concrete patios and sitting areas. Cracks and upheavals in the soil can cause concrete and traditional masonry surfaces to break apart over time. A dry-laid flagstone area will flex with the soil movement. The area between the stones allows water to permeate instead of running off. Flagstone is also very durable and can withstand years of wear and tear with minimal maintenance. It provides a naturally slip-resistant surface that resists heat and provides cooler surface temperatures in the Texas heat.

Rich Color with Natural Variation
Oklahoma flagstone has a natural, organic look due to the irregular shape, texture and coloring of the stones. It averages between 1.5”-2.5” thickness and comes in shades of brown, blue, gray and tan. The natural variation makes each stone unique and the irregular shape makes the pattern options limitless. This gives the flexibility to create a truly unique design. Flagstone is beautiful with plants growing in between the stones or installed over a bed of gravel or decomposed granite. Plants add color and texture but are higher maintenance and suitable only for areas with low foot traffic. For this option, there are many plants available like thyme, moss, and sedum . Alternately, flagstone laid over a bed of decomposed granite is not only beautiful, it is also very practical. It provides texture and contrast, holds up better under traffic, and is lower maintenance than plants.

Flagstone Installation
The installation of flagstone requires no large machinery and can be installed, repaired or changed with common hand tools. It needs very little upkeep, and if a stone is damaged, it is easy to replace with a new stone. The initial installation itself is fairly simple. For the decomposed granite option, the first step is to excavate the subsurface of the designated area and compact the crushed rock. Then a 4” base of decomposed granite is installed in the bed over the crushed rock. The flagstone is then fitted and cut using hand tools and a masonry saw.
Consider using Oklahoma flagstone to add a unique path, walkway, or sitting area to your commercial landscape. The visual appeal will add interest and make your property more inviting, while increasing curb appeal and adding value. It will also save money in the long run compared to less durable materials available. Contact Haven Landscaping for more information about installing a flagstone feature to your commercial landscape.